Industries We Power

RPower Solutions for Warehousing and Distribution

RPower’s Resilience-as-a-Service (RaaS) program offers a complete solution, including the design, installation, operation, and maintenance of a high quality, onsite microgrid.

This ensures resilience for your warehousing and distribution operations. When not in use for backup power, the microgrid supports the local utility grid, helping to prevent blackouts during peak demand.

We empower warehousing and distribution businesses to maintain seamless operations and reduce energy costs through our innovative Resilience-as-a-Service (RaaS) and Energy Management Solutions.

Why Choose a Resiliency Solution?

RPower’s Resilience-as-a-Service (RaaS) provides a complete, turnkey solution for warehousing and distribution operations, offered as a convenient, monthly subscription.

Revenues generated from these services offset the cost of your backup power system, giving you the lowest standby generation cost on the market.

Choosing an energy resilience solution helps control energy expenses and provides protection from outages or disruptions due to weather or other risks, while also taking advantage of cost benefits for supporting the local community and the integration of more renewable resources to the electric grid.

Benefits of implementing a RPower RaaS solution

Staying Operational

Reduce the risks caused by utility outages with full-site backup power.

24/7/365 Remote Monitoring & Maintenance

Our team of experts are always analyzing the most effective opportunities to optimize your power utilization and prevent unplanned disruption

Zero Up Front Costs

Preserve capital with no up-front cost requirement.

Predictable Monthly Expense

A fixed monthly service charge as an operating expense.

Energy Management Services for Warehousing and Distribution

RPower offers tailored energy management solutions designed to help warehousing and distribution businesses understand and optimize their energy usage, improve efficiency, and achieve significant savings.

Our team of industry experts, with decades of experience, will analyze your specific energy profile to develop a strategy that optimizes your energy usage and procurement.

Depending on your assessment and specific circumstances and location, we offer various energy management services to our customers.

Energy Optimization Services

  • Demand Response Programs (Emergency Response)
  • Coincident Peak Charge Avoidance
  • Ancillary Service Strategy

Energy Market Operations

  • Economic Energy Dispatch Strategy
  • 24×7 Energy Desk
  • ISO Scheduling & Market Settlement
  • Outage Management and Asset Operating Plans

RPOWER Demand Response Programs for Warehousing & Distributions

RPower’s Demand Response services help warehousing and distribution businesses manage energy usage and participate in Demand Response programs by leveraging generation assets or curtailing energy consumption.

Our turnkey program optimizes energy use to boost your bottom line. RPower provides real-time monitoring, updates, and guidance for effective electricity adjustments. Additional savings are possible with our comprehensive energy management services.

Demand Response from RPower in 4 Simple Steps

The goal with a demand response program is to reduce stress on the grid during times of peak demand, maximize your compensation, and enhance grid reliability for the entire community.   


Businesses partner with RPower to reduce energy consumption during periods of high grid demand.


Should the electric grid stability be jeopardized due to extreme weather or other extreme operating circumstances, RPower provides real-time guidance to our customer to reduce energy load consumption.


Customers make the recommended adjustments to reduce energy usage. In many cases, we can even automate the customer’s participation.


The customer is compensated with savings or reimbursements for helping support the local electric grid.

Coincident Peak Avoidance

Coincident Peak Avoidance helps reduce energy costs by managing and shifting power usage during peak demand times. By implementing this strategy, businesses can achieve significant savings on their utility bills while optimizing energy efficiency.

What Are Coincident Peak (CP) Charges?

Coincident peak (CP) charges significantly impact energy bills during high-demand periods. RPower’s energy monitoring and management services help warehousing and distribution businesses save by strategically reducing load and conserving energy during these peak times.

When Do Coincident Peak (CP) Charges Happen?

Coincident peak charges, often highest in summer, vary by state. In Texas, peak demand occurs from June to September. During these months, RPower forecasts CP events and manages load for warehousing and distribution businesses through curtailment or onsite generation to reduce demand.

What Factors Impact CP Charges and Savings?

The extent of potential savings depends on a few variables that differ from company to company, including:

  • A business’ existing cost incurred by CP charges, this varies by utility and rate class.
  • The speed and amount that a business can reduce its electricity usage during these specific periods of high demand.

Energy Dispatch and Energy Market Operations

The RPower Market Operations Center manages the interaction between the grid operator, utilities, and our managed resources (i.e. generation and storage assets). Our operators are trained to handle all aspects of Day-Ahead, Hour-Ahead, Real-Time Market, Scheduling and resource dispatch and recall.

Economic Energy Dispatch

Resources that can respond to real-time market signals and dispatch can take advantage of wholesale energy market participation. Thus, creating revenue can be realized as energy savings or as a standalone revenue stream. Each resource is unique and the RPower team will analyze and recommend the best strategy and operating parameters for your resource.

Ancillary Energy Management Services

Ancillary services maintain grid stability and address issues like unplanned outages. RPower, an ERCOT Level Four Qualified Scheduling Entity, uses advanced technology and experienced operators to manage these services.

Grid Operator and Utility Settlements

Energy market participation has several aspects that need to be properly covered. The enrollment and dispatch of a resource is just the beginning. RPower staff oversees the reconciliation and settlement of resources as they participate in energy market programs and services.

24/7 Real-Time Desk and Scheduling

The RPower ‘MOC’ is staffed to handle all aspects of energy market participation. Daily power scheduling, demand response, ancillary, and economic dispatch are at the core of our teams’ ability.

Regulation services or AGC

Ideally suited for generation, storage or controllable loads that respond in seconds to signals from the grid operator or utility.

Non-spinning reserves and ECRS

Generation, storage or controllable loads than can respond in between 10-30 minutes providing protection against unplanned generation and transmission outages.

Ensure The Power Needs of Your Business Operations

For more information on RPower’s onsite power generation and microgrid solutions.